Keroyhima's Blog
Hmm, bloody petrol price!!!!
Well Well, its been 3 days i dun have my PC yet and YES, i m still unhappy!!! Bah, although i m getting excited that my new system is coming, i felt the temptation to play dota. Oh well, nvm about it.
Petrol price raise 30 sens, OMG, it seems that the government is really lack of money is just that petrolium is getting lesser and lesser on earth or izzit the bloody Bush in US due to economy problems wanna raise the price? Dunno but i m still kinda F*** up with that, usually i spend at least RM60 for a full tank and can last for 330KM, now i need to spend at least RM75 for full tank!! Crap man, this is so crap!! Thank you Malaysia government, u making our life more headache thinking how to save money!!
Today i receive my birthday present from my classmate, is kinda late present but i dun mind, thanks a lot to Marvin, Tung Ken and to those who contributed that weird looking toy. I haven't really tried yet but it looks like weird^^

can anyone imagine how it works? just put battery, on it, then put in my room, clap hands and it will show something....i haven't tried yet but i will when i m free^^
Lastly, i got a call from my mom's friend, who is the one helping me to get my PC new system, i though i might be able to get my PC back today but sadly no, due to not enough stock, i got to wait till tomorrow T_T, hopefully i can get "My Precious" back tomorrow.
26th January 2006
Well, before i state what happen, i wanna cry 1st T_T, sobsob!! damm sad!!!! oh well it was actually Sunday morning around 3am, i was still awake in front of my com, playing Dota. It was quite a fun match especially i m playing with my usual friends, at around 3:30am, i heard some noise outsid.
Guess what? it Rains, kinda heavy, but i dun hear any thunder so i just continue my game, then at around 3:45, i heard some thunder storm already. Ok in my mind tells me that its time to turn off the com, but my soul tells me that in Dota, u should not quit in a middle of the game although u have some reasons, and yes, i did have a reason to quit, so i started annoucing to everyone in the game that i m leaving, due to the thunderstorm.
I can still remember that after i exit the warcraft 3 program, then i was clicking start, (The Thunder is getting louder), anyway i clicked start, then click turn off computer, and was waiting for the bloody com to load the shutdown screen. At that moment, WOW!! Zeus is so accurate, (Zeus is a hero from DOTA, all his abilities are lightning element), anyway just a joke, but then i still remember b4 my PC was turn off, another thunder storm came, and i heard a loud "POP" inside my CPU, the next thing i know, i saw the pc turn off and no respond anymore, i can even smell something burned, i open the casing and all i saw was my motherboard one part of it was black. OUCH!! MY PC!!!MY PRECIOUS!!!NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Its zzzzzzzzzzzzz gone T_T
Oh well, i sended to the PC shop the next morning, thank goodness my harddisk is still ok, or else i m gonna go insane, my precious animes, movies, wallpapers, MP3, most important internet programs i downloaded from the net such as drivers, service packs, cracks etc will be gone. Oh well, i m stopping here, kinda not really in a mood to write on.
My 21st Birthday Party Celebated on the 18th of Feb 2006
Well well, is about time for me to talk about my birthday party, celebated on the 18th Feb, my real birthday is 22nd Feb. Anyway it was a Saturday, i invited my friends 1 week b4 that day. Early morning, i went out with my mom to get some stuff, went to the market to buy a few more "food", actually is food ingredients :P. Then the work start from afternoon, all i did was cleaning up the house, taking out tables and chairs, even cleaning up my rabbit's cage ^^
Anyway i have no idea why on that day was kinda not really good weather the whole afternoon, it was raining heavily, i can't even turn on the computer so that i can keep contact with my friends. Another thing happen is that is damm conincidents today no WATER!!! OMG, thank goodness in the morning my maid was smart enough to store some water in a few pails. Oh well there goes, my mom was kinda like frustrated, anyway the party still had to be on.
At around 7 something, the food, tables and everything is ready. My classmates, my RO friends, my Family people, came. Most of them came after 7pm, close to 8pm. And here comes the pictures...........

My bunch of classmates, eating, they were actually enjoying my mom's baked spaghetti but i make them take a picture at leat hahaha!!

My really close Cousin sister, Kayli, been knowing each other since we were in kindergarden, btw shes not that tall actually, wanna know why? shes standing on the staircase haha, guess how short is she :P

My Classmates!!!! Wan me mention their names? lazy la, too long edi :P

Another group pic of my classmates :D, just finish eating!!

Hmm, from left....wait...cannot tell their names :D All got "Husband" one hahaha!!JkJk, is actually bf, lets see From left is Vanessa(Hamster), Shirly, Me, Yoke Ching and Rachel

My RO friends gang, quite close friends too^^ From left Darren, Issac, Jamie, Danial, Me, Ariel, Sylver

My Cell group friends, from left Polo(his nickname), Manda, Andrew :D
Well, thats all for the photos, i dun really wanna post more photos cause some of them a little blur, but at least i m happy with this party, Thank you to all my family, my classmates, and all my friends who attended this party!! Arigato Gozaimasu
I m 21 years old today!!
Well, as my title said "cough" "cough", it is my birthday today, and i m 21!! Adult age edi, no more the fun life of being a mischievous teenager. Oh well, lets see, early in the morning, woke up as usual, go to college. Nothing really special happen in the morning, except i just get a lot of greetings from my classmates, and SMS wishes. Until afternoon, i got 1 weird sms from an unknown number, (that contact is not in my phonebook), his msg was "Nk, knl leh?" . I was like..........damm blur since that time i m having a group dicussion in class, i just reply him and ask who is that. In a short while later, he msg me back "i m a guy". So like DUH!!! if is a guy at least tell the name, and again i ask him to identify himself, once again he reply back "i m a guy, i just call this number, are u a guy or a girl?" . This time i replied him back nicely , i told him i m a guy, and ask him if he mistaken the wrong number. He again replied back, this time his message makes me get sick and piss, his message was "a guy huh? i m looking for someone to suck my c***". Hmm, sickening people right? Bah, since its my birthday, i dun really wanna throw off my words so i asked my friend what to answer, my friend just ask me to reply him back "Go suck ur dad's one, dun disturb me". After that he never reply already, well back again to my group discussion. However that prank sms really makes me lost my mood, luckily class ended at 3 something, so i just go home and make myself comfortable^^
I m back with blogging!!
Wow, its been like 7 months, almost 8 months now i stop blogging, well i will just say that i m LAZY to actually write something into my blog, check out my 2 old blogs which is dead and i never bother to touch anymore
Friendster Blog:
Ok, i really have no idea why i wanna start writing again, its just that i was browsing through my friendster profile and i found out that my blog is still there, and it also reminds me of the other one as well...BAH!! dun care, here i m writing again!!
Since this is my 1st post, i will just write a little about this week, its only the 2nd day of the week and i m already tention about 2 assignments due date for this week, and guess what? i haven't really started doing it!!However most of my classmates also not even touching dota, cause of that assignment. Zzzzzz 1 assignment is doing database and the other is creating a fun flash movie. Aww, and i m still headache thinking how to finish it by this week, hopefully i can, nothing much to write cause my head is empty, can't think of what to write