Racing is Dangerous!!
Hmm, its been 4 days i didn't update my blog, Darren was bugging me to update it! o.0, that fatty which is my close friend actually ask me to update my blog while he hates blogging. He started blogging when i remake my new blog here, kinda funny guy right him? The good thing is, at least i got friends viewing my blog. Before i continue, i just wanna thank those who actually take the time to read my blog, i dun blog if no one is reading them, but i can't really update it fast as i tent to write a long one after a few days, bear with my long post, oh btw, i m gonna edit all my post to have a bigger text, cause i notice my text are freaking small, sorry guys^^
Anyway, its been another tiring week as usual, and 1 word to streamyx for the past few days,"STREAMYX SUX MAN !! I HATE IT BUT I HAVE NO CHOICE EXCEPT USING IT" Its been so freaking lagg till i cannot even download my stuff properly, even blogging this also take me so long to load this page. Sad to say that Malaysia has the worst broadband connection. Sigh!!
I realise myself being very active spamming in my very own guild forum which i had not been active for like 2 months? Wow, how come i m so free to spam there while i can use most of that time to do my work, probably is because i m just being too free.
Ok, lets get to the topic of the day. My college, which is situated at TPM, well actually TPM is kinda huge, with all the mass communication buildings such as Astrol, hitzfm, and etc. There is also a really long and snaky road behind the area, its only 2 lanes, but if i m not wrong, the distance of the whole road is around 2-3km. If u go for a joy ride 1 round in that road, u will be thinking of Mount Akina's road(Although the original Mount Akina's road is way much longer than this). Initial D fans should know it, yes its more like a racing track to youngsters, but the reason why that road was build i really have no idea. But then, this road seems to be an interesting race track for some of my classmates. Although our cars are not really initial D cars or racing cars, its more like a small entertainment for us to have a small race.
Its Friday man, and the class ended so early, 11pm? Suppose to end at 12 but seems like the lecturer has nothing much to teach. So what happens? Waiting for 1 hour for our other classmates to finish theirs, someone among us suggested to go for a small race on that road. I didn't really wanna join that, however i dun mind being a spectator, so i just follow them. Lets see, today's car who participate was 2 Wiras, wait, maybe is 3, 1 AE-86+6(AE-92 la), 1 Waja, and the spectator is me, a Saga. To honnestly say my friends actually know the safety and we dun really race as if racing to get the 1st, its just a fun drive showing how good everyone can drift on that road, that would include hurting ur car engine, and tyre. Who cares anyway? As long as the safety is priority. People who are involve? I dun mind stating them out, but its better not. All i can say is, there were 4 girls, and i think got 9 guys. 2 cars with 4 people in it, the other 2 cars, i would state it couples inside the car, the lone ranger driver is me.
The 1st round was ok, nothing really bad happen except that since i was the last, i didn't get a chance to see how they go, i was really far behind, all i can see is the Waja, who didn't actually race but driving kinda fast too, but at least he breaks at the cornering. Imagine those who didn't, haha i m not that skillful to do that but i doubt my car can do that too, i tried it b4 and my car almost fly off the ground. Saga is way too light i guess.
After 1st round was done, i expect that they might go for another round, and i was right? However this round we have our hero of the day. Wanna know what happen? Actually I didn't see it with my own eyes, but when i reach half way of the road, i saw the "hero's" car was on top of the divider, seeing his bumper came out, i expect a minor accident happen. From what i heard, its because of the front Wira lost control while making a turn, however he manage to handle the car from knocking the divider, while our "hero" was behind, so he was kinda scare and tried to avoid it, it ends up he went up on the divider.

Look at how the car went up on the divider XD

And how bad the tyre was damage ^^
Anyway, thank goodness no one was injured, its just a minor accident, the good thing about this accident and this whole incident it, everyone got closer as friends as classmates, its nice anyway, sharing such experience together is interesting, plus it makes a gossip and new topic to share among the classmates.
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