My 21st Birthday Party Celebated on the 18th of Feb 2006
Well well, is about time for me to talk about my birthday party, celebated on the 18th Feb, my real birthday is 22nd Feb. Anyway it was a Saturday, i invited my friends 1 week b4 that day. Early morning, i went out with my mom to get some stuff, went to the market to buy a few more "food", actually is food ingredients :P. Then the work start from afternoon, all i did was cleaning up the house, taking out tables and chairs, even cleaning up my rabbit's cage ^^
Anyway i have no idea why on that day was kinda not really good weather the whole afternoon, it was raining heavily, i can't even turn on the computer so that i can keep contact with my friends. Another thing happen is that is damm conincidents today no WATER!!! OMG, thank goodness in the morning my maid was smart enough to store some water in a few pails. Oh well there goes, my mom was kinda like frustrated, anyway the party still had to be on.
At around 7 something, the food, tables and everything is ready. My classmates, my RO friends, my Family people, came. Most of them came after 7pm, close to 8pm. And here comes the pictures...........

My bunch of classmates, eating, they were actually enjoying my mom's baked spaghetti but i make them take a picture at leat hahaha!!

My really close Cousin sister, Kayli, been knowing each other since we were in kindergarden, btw shes not that tall actually, wanna know why? shes standing on the staircase haha, guess how short is she :P

My Classmates!!!! Wan me mention their names? lazy la, too long edi :P

Another group pic of my classmates :D, just finish eating!!

Hmm, from left....wait...cannot tell their names :D All got "Husband" one hahaha!!JkJk, is actually bf, lets see From left is Vanessa(Hamster), Shirly, Me, Yoke Ching and Rachel

My RO friends gang, quite close friends too^^ From left Darren, Issac, Jamie, Danial, Me, Ariel, Sylver

My Cell group friends, from left Polo(his nickname), Manda, Andrew :D
Well, thats all for the photos, i dun really wanna post more photos cause some of them a little blur, but at least i m happy with this party, Thank you to all my family, my classmates, and all my friends who attended this party!! Arigato Gozaimasu
too bad i cant b there
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