Keroyhima's Blog
I m SICK of everything!!!
Its been another week where i again delay to update my blog, its like every week i only manage to update once. But i dun really care much, its more like i m just taking my blog to jolt down what happened during the whole week. I m getting sick of almost everything now in my life, everything seems to turn out a bad situation this whole week.
Lets see, firstly i m Sick of Streamyx, why the heck i m paying RM88 a month to get a service which so called says 24 hours unlimited bandwith ends up becoming worst than TM Net. I have no idea what is wrong but it seems like for the pass 3 weeks, streamyx has been giving the worst service, i assume they might be doing some maintenance or upgrade but WTF they need 3 weeks to do it!! Seriously i wish they just cancle every streamyx user's bill this whole month, cause its giving F*** up service, plus this month is a rush hour as my assignments due dates get closer and closer, and because of this poor service, i got sick of doing my assignment since i cannot surf the internet properly.
I m getting all sorts of nagging from my parents because i spend most of my time in front of the computer. What the heck can i do if i dun stick myself in front of the PC and do my assignments, use paper to write? For goodness sake although i dun spend all the time doing assignment, but gaming is also part of my life, why the heck i m getting nag for? Sadly i m the one teaching my dad how to actually surf the net, checking his e-mail, teaching my mom the same method of how to download e-mails and how to use the address book for 2 years. I dun mind if i have to always teach them these basic stuff but stop bothering me on my work!! It is true i play a lot of computer games, that doesn't mean i dun use this PC to do a single homework of mine, even my notes and my slides which i need to read for the following day topic is also in a soft copy, what do u expect me to read without reading from the PC. Sigh~~~~
I m sick of one of my lecturers, for goodness sake SSE assignment due date is this week. Have u ever heard b4 a lecturer can change his mind in another though and expecting a VERY high expectation from students like us who just started this new course(BIT) in this assignment? Maybe this is the standard but dun F***ing change ur mind on ur expectation Mr Veera as we are not so free to redo our workload because there are more assignments due date at the same time with this. As if he expect us students to completely focus on this assignment while ignore the other assignments, it is normal if he expect something which he actually did said what he wanted from the assignment, but giving a last minute critical change is way too much!! Students like us spend so much time doing what he expected from us and just a few days b4 the due date, he asked for more than what he asked from us earlier, smart right?
I m sick of leechers, WTF does a torrent file have about 4000++ leechers while there is not even 5 seeders. Bloody leechers, at least seed out the file while u are leeching from others, dun fucking just leech and keep ur upload below 1kbps!! Darn, 2.27 gig file took me 2 weeks and it is still not done yet. Its just DJ Tiesto albums, why can't some people just seed with full bandwith while downloading, no one is gonna blame u for closing ur seed after u complete the download. Selfish people, its sad.........
My car power window and central locking spoile 2 weeks ago, and i m freaking lazy to bring it to the work shop. However the funny thing is that for some reason, the power window will somehow be working fine for 1 day, after that it is again spoiled. Just as i was happy to see it working, it spoiled again!! Is that a game to play or some weird problem is happening with my car? Sigh!!
My mind is spinning, even writing this blog i didn't seriously write like the usual way, maybe because i been typing a lot of definitions and lots and lots of weird weird language to extent my assignment words, yeah weird and extended english sentences to make my assignment looks Longer!!!
Something fishy happening to me!!
I really didn't feel like blogging this week, it makes me kinda sick to log in to blogspot and type something because, I m already sick with my assignments, sick with streamyx and sick with my computer!! Wait, why am i sick with my computer? Oh ya, guess what, my hard disk is giving me problems now, my 60 gig hard disk where it was bought 3 years ago when i bought this com starting to gimme problems now. Sadly its starting not only slowing down, but sometimes my OS cannot even load at all until i need to restart it once, sigh, after spending RM1600 on my hardwares, i didn't expect to spend another RM300 to buy a new harddisk. Crap man, again is more like i m slowly changing a completely new computer, like that i rather spend RM3k++ to get dual core AMD processor, DDR RAM 2 800 mhz 1 Gigz , XFS GeForce GT7800, a mother board that supports not only dual core processors but can fix 2 graphic cards as well, a 250 gig harddisk, maybe i will get 2 of that, a new DVD Burner combo drive, a new casing using water cooling system, WOW, what a dream man, how i wish i got the money to spend like that, i haven't even include a new 17" LCD monitor, new altec lancing 5.1 speakers, lets see, calculation is around RM5k++ more or less.
Bah, to not really computer hardware freaks, u dun need to read what i m dreaming to buy, is just to make my frustration down, streamyx this whole week is already giving me the most sickening, frustrating problems which makes me piss off. I feel like bombing up streamyx company, but thats the only so called "best" internet connection in Malaysia. Sigh!!!!
Assignments due dates are so close, and almost every week of the due date there is an assignment to handup, here i m still blogging hahaha!! Anyway, the fact is that, i m so busy doing all sorts of research till i dun even have the time to think about blogging, individual research paper really stressing, its not only me, seems like my whole classmates also the same. I been seeing all the "cute" msn nicks with all sorts of explanation telling everyone that "I m BZ with Assignments". Thats college students, tend to procastinate till the very date line only started rushing and stressing ownself, hey dun look at urself, I m one too ok? We are all the same, thats student's life, we love to keep our work given 3 months ago till the very last 2 weeks only seriously doing it.
Ouch, i type till this sentence only realise that my topic of the day haven't started writting about, anyway i had this weirdo instincts, i dunno if is just coincidents but i just wanna ask u guys, any of u had ever experience something which u see it like very common but unexpected? Its a bit like dejavu but it occurs very often, i duno why but everytime when i m very alone, i mean like seriously quiet and nothing surrounds u except my computer and mp3 music, whenever i look at the time, it always display 04:44am/pm. The 1st few times i experience it i though maybe it is just coincidents, after all the time is always running and we always check to see what time izzit. However its been occuring for almost 3 years, its like every night after my online games, usually i sleep at 5am, so b4 5am i start to off my programs and everything, the funny thing is whenever i check the time, its just so coincidents that i seeing 04:44am, even in the afternoon when i was about to off the game i m playing, sometimes i didn't even realise what time izzit but i had the specific time to stop and whenever i look at the cloak, it displays 04:44pm. Ok, i m a buddhist and i dun simply believe in prophecy unless i seen it myself, also i dun consult fortune tellers to ask about this, instead i just simply ignore it. I take it as what i said coincidents, hopefully i m right. Its kinda scary seeing the same kinda time format almost every week of ur life, sometimes it creeps me out, but i try not to think so much.
Oh ya, 2 fishy stuff happens this whole week, my car was acting normal last week actually, but i can still remember, on Monday, my car's central locking and the power window cannot work at all, first of all i though it was my battery problem and i m thinking of bringing it to the work shop end of this week. However Monday wasn't really a good day for me, i dunno why but i just felt really down on that day, can't really feel happy at all. The next day, Tuesday, my power window and central locking was working again, i was really happy when it was working again, not only that, i was actually kinda happy on that day too. WOW, does that mean my car showing my emotions everyday? Nah, on the following day, Wednesday, its not working again, however my mood was normal, nothing really makes me feel sad, i m just as cheerful as i m on Tuesday. Hmm, anyway is still not working, Zzzzzz i been driving without my power window working and my central locking spoile. I had to actually manually open the door myself, sad case.
Thats all for now, if this post was boring i m sorry about it, cause i dunno what i wanna write, btw i just got the paintball photos, actually is my 2nd paintball event with my classmates, this time with more people, wait till i m done with my assignments and i m really free, i will post them up and blog about it. :D
I have some really cute classmates
Wee, 2 post in 1 day, i never though i will do that, but my earlier post with this post got nothing in related, so i prefer to seperate them. Sign, i m gonna miss the PIT party, after all i didn't make it since my classmates all also changed their mind. Its kinda sad for me cause i really really wanted to meet DJ Tiesto, with other DJs as well. The price to enter that PIT party is way too expensive, RM80 per ticket for a 5 hours of DJ playing ur favorite music? Ouch, although is possible to get them cheaper if u know some people who are selling the tickets before the PIT party. Sad isn't it? Its over, i can still remember b4 that PIT party, Issac was asking me how to get the cheaper rate ticket, i wanted to ask one of my friend who i only chat with her on msn but i can consider her as a really nice friend. When she comes online, i saw her nick says "PIT PARTY TICKETS SOLD OUT". Oh well TOO BAD Issac, u should have asked earlier wahahahaha. The good thing of not going this party? I saved another RM80 for a purpose of going for clubbing next month!! Wee, can't wait for my classmates to plan for that.
Lets see, topic of the day. Ok i dun really feeling saying out her name but honnestly she is giving me the temptation to blog about my this really cute friend. Lets see, not to make her feel embarass i will just say her name is R, one of my classmates knowing her since diploma level. Shes from Melaka anyway, and i had a friend who was also from Melaka told me this before. Its Jaslyn anyway, she told me Melaka girls had 1 thing in common which many people might never know, they can laugh like a bass music. OMG!! Its that true? I have no doubt to say yes since She is an example. Haha sorry R, dun mind me but its kinda funny that u r one. Her BF is gonna kill me if he sees this. The really funny thing about her is that sometimes, especially when our whole classmates went out for lunch, out of a sudden she would burst out laughing(If only i can record her voice, its loud u know). She would laugh till like giving lots of attention around the place, but thank goodness we know how to stop her. The reason? One of us here might have "trigger" her, a joke or something but its nice that she accept jokes and laugh like that so easily as a happy going person. Her bf will have to cover her mouth or keep quiet and look at her. Poor fellor? Haha but its nice to have friends like this, at least u got something to talk about.
Another thing is that she can laugh while argueing something, especially 1 guy, wan me to state his name? :D Nvm, i will if i have to, cause my hamster friend is gonna kill me if i state his name :P. Anyway the funny thing is that, she would laugh while argueing, lets me give an example, hmm.....that guy name i will put him as VS.
VS: R, i though i ask u to just modify the buttons(flash buttons), why u recreate a new one?
R: VS ahh, please accept my buttons la PLEASE, i m sick and tired of doing it, please accept it!!
VS: Okok, i will accept it.
R: Dun bluff la, its the 3rd time u asking me to remake that button, i had enough already. Tell me honnestly!!
VS: I said i accept it la!! Really one!!
R: Dun lie la VS, just said where is my wrong and i will do again
VS: No need no need, its correct already
R: Please la VS, honnestly tell me its that correct or not?
VS: YES la, i said is correct ok? U already said what, u r sick and tired of doing it, but its correct already!!
R: (Burst out Laughing)
U know why? She just only realise she repeat the question 3 times asking VS to accept it and she did state that she is tired of doing it and wish that VS accept it, so she laugh cause of her own mistake of asking the same thing which VS taking all the efford to answer and really accept it but she dun wanna believe. Haha, i dunno if u understand the conversation or not but i bet some people will know, especially those who know her :P
Salmon Fish
Do u like japanese food? I bet most people do, i dunno why but i really like to eat raw japanese food. Especially the salmon fish, which u can either eat it raw or grill it inside an oven with butter and maybe some salt. As for me, not only me but my whole family love it. It seems like a trend started when the very 1st time while i was still form 4(5 years ago), my dad brought us all to a japanese restauren to tried out japanese food. I can still remember my very 1st set i called was tempura set. It comes with fried prawns, some vegetable, a bowl of rice, a soup and some fruit. That is japanese food? Ok maybe its the style of cooking only, but anyway it taste not bad. I can't really tell if is good or not but that restauren was one of my dad's childhood's friend who opens it, so all i can say is probably most japanese food taste something like that.
Alright back to what my point here, my dad seldom bring us to japanese restauren now, i can't expect to go into a japanese restauren to eat alone, even asking my friends also they might just doubt about it. Its very normal because we all know japanese restauren is never a cheap food, even a bowl of simple ramen will cost u at least RM13, the size of the bowl? Not as much and not as big as what u gonna think for a RM13 meal. Besides, even in those food court u won't find japanese food cheap as well, although they are cheaper than the ones in restauren, u got to also expect the taste might not be as good as what u wan. However, although is expensive, my mom use to buy lots of salmon fish cause she says salmon has lots of omega oil which is really good for our body,but she don't buy those salmon from a market, my mom is not that hardworking to wake up early in the morning to go to the market and buy stuff, she use to get the cooking ingredients and food from Giant Supermarket. She gets those salmon from a friend which i dunno who, but her friend seems to sell salmon in the market, so her friend probably always get the fresh food before it is delivered to the market for sale, instead my mom use to buy salmon in large quantity so that she can keep them and eat it slowly.
Usually on a weekend, some families dun cook for dinner, they tend to go out for a meal which is also a happy family moment. As for me? When there is salmon, thats our dinner. Yeah at least my maid will also cook something simple like fried noodles or fried rice, but the main dish of the day is the raw salmon with really spicy wasabi add on with wasabi sauce(i call wasabi sauce instead of japanese ketchup). The only person who wouldn't eat those raw salmon is my youngest brother, he seems to hate the taste of raw fish, so my mom will grill 1 whole piece for him only(its not that big). My dad, me and my brother can finish 2 plates of raw salmons. I dunno how many pieces are there but my mom can tell me there are at least 4 packets of salmons in 2 plates. Which is way a lot more than when u call a sashimi set in a restauren and probably u cannot eat that full. Let me tell u this, 1 set of sashimi(raw salmon fish with rice, a bowl of soup, some vegetable) will cost about RM30++ per person, the amount of fish in that set i think is only half a packet of salmon which u bought from the market. Can u imagine eating 4 packets of them? Wow its so satisfying.
Bah!! Dun think i m that happy to eat like that every weekend, its only once in a while when my parents suddenly feel like eating them, they will just buy in large quantity and consume them slowly. Oh well, i m just happy that this weekend my dinner is pure raw salmon fish, and yes i m freaking damm full now even if i m blogging here. Hehe :D
Racing is Dangerous!!
Hmm, its been 4 days i didn't update my blog, Darren was bugging me to update it! o.0, that fatty which is my close friend actually ask me to update my blog while he hates blogging. He started blogging when i remake my new blog here, kinda funny guy right him? The good thing is, at least i got friends viewing my blog. Before i continue, i just wanna thank those who actually take the time to read my blog, i dun blog if no one is reading them, but i can't really update it fast as i tent to write a long one after a few days, bear with my long post, oh btw, i m gonna edit all my post to have a bigger text, cause i notice my text are freaking small, sorry guys^^
Anyway, its been another tiring week as usual, and 1 word to streamyx for the past few days,"STREAMYX SUX MAN !! I HATE IT BUT I HAVE NO CHOICE EXCEPT USING IT" Its been so freaking lagg till i cannot even download my stuff properly, even blogging this also take me so long to load this page. Sad to say that Malaysia has the worst broadband connection. Sigh!!
I realise myself being very active spamming in my very own guild forum which i had not been active for like 2 months? Wow, how come i m so free to spam there while i can use most of that time to do my work, probably is because i m just being too free.
Ok, lets get to the topic of the day. My college, which is situated at TPM, well actually TPM is kinda huge, with all the mass communication buildings such as Astrol, hitzfm, and etc. There is also a really long and snaky road behind the area, its only 2 lanes, but if i m not wrong, the distance of the whole road is around 2-3km. If u go for a joy ride 1 round in that road, u will be thinking of Mount Akina's road(Although the original Mount Akina's road is way much longer than this). Initial D fans should know it, yes its more like a racing track to youngsters, but the reason why that road was build i really have no idea. But then, this road seems to be an interesting race track for some of my classmates. Although our cars are not really initial D cars or racing cars, its more like a small entertainment for us to have a small race.
Its Friday man, and the class ended so early, 11pm? Suppose to end at 12 but seems like the lecturer has nothing much to teach. So what happens? Waiting for 1 hour for our other classmates to finish theirs, someone among us suggested to go for a small race on that road. I didn't really wanna join that, however i dun mind being a spectator, so i just follow them. Lets see, today's car who participate was 2 Wiras, wait, maybe is 3, 1 AE-86+6(AE-92 la), 1 Waja, and the spectator is me, a Saga. To honnestly say my friends actually know the safety and we dun really race as if racing to get the 1st, its just a fun drive showing how good everyone can drift on that road, that would include hurting ur car engine, and tyre. Who cares anyway? As long as the safety is priority. People who are involve? I dun mind stating them out, but its better not. All i can say is, there were 4 girls, and i think got 9 guys. 2 cars with 4 people in it, the other 2 cars, i would state it couples inside the car, the lone ranger driver is me.
The 1st round was ok, nothing really bad happen except that since i was the last, i didn't get a chance to see how they go, i was really far behind, all i can see is the Waja, who didn't actually race but driving kinda fast too, but at least he breaks at the cornering. Imagine those who didn't, haha i m not that skillful to do that but i doubt my car can do that too, i tried it b4 and my car almost fly off the ground. Saga is way too light i guess.
After 1st round was done, i expect that they might go for another round, and i was right? However this round we have our hero of the day. Wanna know what happen? Actually I didn't see it with my own eyes, but when i reach half way of the road, i saw the "hero's" car was on top of the divider, seeing his bumper came out, i expect a minor accident happen. From what i heard, its because of the front Wira lost control while making a turn, however he manage to handle the car from knocking the divider, while our "hero" was behind, so he was kinda scare and tried to avoid it, it ends up he went up on the divider.

Look at how the car went up on the divider XD

And how bad the tyre was damage ^^
Anyway, thank goodness no one was injured, its just a minor accident, the good thing about this accident and this whole incident it, everyone got closer as friends as classmates, its nice anyway, sharing such experience together is interesting, plus it makes a gossip and new topic to share among the classmates.
My dear group members :P
Bah, after i blog about my assignments, i became sort of lazy to blog for this week, but then i been giving out my blog address to my friends, including my msn nick also i did put the address in it. So its better to post something rather than letting it rot for a week.(I dun really mind if no one bothered to view it, only my close friends will actually read it if they are interested) Btw, its also a good thing for my to ensure that i dun make myself lazy to blog anymore.
Umm, have i ever introduce u my group members? I dun have their photoes but since there is a group assignment, it is obvious i m not alone doing that work. For HCI and MAD subject? I have the same 4 members including myself, I m not gonna describe myself but i would like to comment a bit about my other 3 members. hehe, i did told them to come and see what i blog about :P Wakakaka!! I m bad, no offence but i m not gonna insult u here my dear members.
First of all, let me introduce the girl in our group, Gayathri, 1st time when she asked me to join her group was because of one of my classmate who is my group member also, shes really a friendly person, cares about people like me who are always quiet, however shes kinda naughty also, like to be mischievious in her own ways, sometimes even making fun of her ownself but it seems she didn't notice it. In other words, shes just trying to get herself excited, its good in many ways, at least she dun have a bad temper to show people :D
Second member is Vyannan, he is a close friend of Gayathri, 1st time when i saw them, i really though they were actually couples, but i was wrong :P, although both of them do share a lot of things in common, they are just natural close friends. This guy, he also like Gayathri, cares about people too, and have a good knowledge about football. Yeah hes a football fan, like every guy nowadays are, same goes for me. If i wanna compare he and Gayathri, its just a little oposite, at least he is kinda more mature guy, i would admit that he is more mature than me a lot even though we are at the same age. Its kinda cute to see the 2 of them argue in some weird matters, however its nothing special, even me also use to argue with my own classmates or friends(girl).
Third is my very own classmate, Imran, what am i gonna say about him? Actually he is just normal, but when we knew each other that time before we came to this level, he is the only Indian in the class, so its kinda funny that all my classmates like to joke a bit about him, but he is very open minded, not really the type who can be seen showing temper. As for his character? Lets just say like most friends i have, friendly and caring :P
As for my SSE subject, Imran is in the same group with me, as for the other 2 members, is Jee Wang and Kim Seng. I dun have much comments on the 2 of them because it seems that they are quite normal people, nothing really special to talk about. Except that Jee Wang is a TA(Technical Assistant) in our college, hes kinda smart person to extent his ideas when we are doing our group project. As for Kim Seng, he is an RO freak, but even though he is, he has the most interesting ideas which he can suggest while we are doing group assignments, thanks to him we are able to extent our words when doing tutorials :P
Lastly is my FMS project, this group is me, Eugene, Allan and Ramona. Lets see, again i dunno how to comment all of them, its just that Eugene is a type of person who can joke, give really interesting ideas, and very creative minded person. As for Allan, u cannot judge him by his looks, he can do things which u unexpectedly dunno at all. And for Ramona? She is older than me a year, but i dun really talk to her a lot except group meetings, so i dun really know her so well.
Ok, thats all for now, note this to readers, this whole post is not an offend to people especially those who i m blogging about, its just what i think since i get to know u as my new classmates.
Its been 1 week plus 2 days i didn't pump my petrol, well actually i put it full tank before the petrol price raised. Anyway i still remember when i put full tank, around 34-36 litres(Cause i usually use up until it left very little), its only RM62 or lesser, today when i put it full, guess the price after it raise 30 sens? I will make it maximum, 37 litres is RM70. Wow, thats like RM18 increase of my spending, gonna ask my dad gimme more allowance haha :D Anyway, talk about petrol, i got a fren who use to drive to college(not my college) started asking his mom fetch him to college when his mom went to work, i asked him whats the reason, at 1st i though he said he wanna save his spending and his parents money on petrol. NAH!! I was wrong, thats because he wanna use the petrol on weekends to go outting with his friends. Well, thats quite a smart fellor, cause i bet his outting spend on petrol is more than going to college, LOL it just makes me wonder, how many Malaysians here changing from driving own car to public transport or car pull on other people's car. Make a wild guess urself.
Now, its already March, the 3rd month of my 1st semester, i can still remember the day when assignments was given and how the groups were distribute, everyone was like kinda unhappy, I DUN LIKE ASSIGNMENTS but I HAVE TO DO IT FOR MY OWN SAKE. Yeah, is that the message in everyone's mind? Oh well, during that time, the lecturers who gave us assignments who quite serious about telling us how the marks are distribute, and come to think of the subjects, its something more into brainstoming till u can go headache doing critical thinking, and as the topic said, both are really OWNAGE. Haha, i m quite dota minded now, so those words are very familiar to dota players.
Lets see, before i mention about the assignments, lets start with my lecturers, starting with the woman lecturer. Her name is Mrs Palvin(I m not gonna put my lecturer's full name), she handles 2 of our subjects in this semester, one is MAD(Methods of Analysis and Design), and the other is HCI(Human Computer Interaction). Shes kinda nice, although she need to handle about 120 students, she actually have the patients and not showing her temper even though some of my classmates is a little noisy, especially our class entertainer Andrew :D. Secondly is Mr Kesava, he teach the subject ABP(Advance Business Package), this lecturer is also quite a nice fellor, to honnestly say the subject that he lecture is FREAKING BORING!!! Especially when his class is the last class of the day, its really hard to concentrate on what is he teaching. Next is Mr Veerakumar, he is our SSE(Systems for Small Enterprise) lecturer, this guy, when u look at him, i have no idea how come got people say he look damm cute, OMG, are they serious or joking? I heard someone in my class said b4, u know who u r, i m not saying here :P. Anyway, from his looks, he's BORING!! The subject is consider much more interesting than the ABP subject but seriously this lecturer makes it like a total boring subject. Lastly is Mr Lili Budiman, our FMS(Further Multimedia Studies) lecturer, well i have nothing much to say about him because he taught my class last year IA(Internet Application) subject. From what i know, this lecturer always like to promote his website to us, and support us to buy his products, which is books. He said he wrote those books, any ideas that u can believe it? I mean hes quite an ok lecturer, but being an author for books? The title of his books are not related to education of I.T, is more like real life studies, i forgotten his web address.
Alright, about my assignments? Lets start with the subject which require the most brainstorming. MAD, yes, the word Mad came up, it is seriously a mad subject, i mean come to think of it, the case study is like 9 PAGES long, thank goodness is a group project, but still if u dun finish reading the whole case study, u absolutely no idea what are u going to do. And now is March, its also the time my group and me seriously doing it. Aww!!! Next is SSE, ok, i can't imagine how come we never start this when we suppose to do it earlier, but probably is because our lecturer is too boring, till didn't even want to bother doing it. Great, but then luckily we are able to catch up what we are suppose to do :D. HCI comes next, also a group assignment, however its not really as hard as i expected, although Mrs Palvin really go serious on guiding us how to do it, but due to because its an open assignment, means we still doing the main point of the assignment but the topic we choose is freedom of our choice. Then is ABP, which is an individual subject, this assignment is done quite some time already, nothing much to comment about. Lastly is FMS, guess what? Doing flash, which i m not really familiar using that program, but again is a group work, we didn't really go serious on doing it because of our other subject assignments, they are worst. The really crappy thing about our assignments is the due dates, they are all really close which also means on the week of submission, the printing lab and binding book shop is going to be quite full, well thats students of Apiit like us, we may be able to complete almost every thing about our assignment before the due date, but we only finalize, document, printing and binding it on the submission date.
Today i just show my part of work to our lecturer, who is Mrs Palvin, thank goodness she didn't comment much, compare to the other groups, but she did taught us how to actually do our part in a proper way, shes really good in guiding us on this assignment. Well, assignments are still assignments, I guess I will have to strugger till the day we submit it.
I have some "Phobias"
Hmm, a boring week, as usual for classes, lectures, meetings bla bla bla. Anyway the most boring part is that DAMM!!! NO BLEACH THIS WEEK!! Oh man!!! Its so crap, at least bleach could entertain me this week but NO!! No Bleach, oh well i m quite a fan of that anime so..........ok, lets get to the point of what are those "phobias"
First of all, for those who haven't watch Final Destination 3, please dun read on, its a spoiler!! WARNING to readers, dun blame me for not warning you, BAH! I dun really mean to force u get out of my blog for this post only, but then i hate to spoil a movie when its just out for a few days and not many people watched yet. Ok as expected, the movie Final Destination is all about DEATH, and yes!! Death!! But is not like a movie where monsters or aliens those stuff killing humans, its also not some bad gangs doing havoc and killing innocent people and some hero good guy will have to save the day. Nah thats so normal, this movie is basically all about real life accidents, minor accidents can actually cause a dead of some people, for those who had watched Final Destination 1 and 2, I m sure u know what is this show all about.
Well, i watched it on Friday, on the 3rd of March, with some of my classmates. It starts at 12:45pm! Ok, from the start of the movie, i already knew i m gonna watch some gruesome, brutal, violent killings which it might just shock and surprise u out of ur life.
The first part was about the roller coaster ride, this girl, which i assume shes the main character of this movie had a vision of whats going to happen if she ride the roller coaster, actually the hydrolic fuel pipe was burst, and the oil started spilling out, it was not some bad guys who did that but somehow i bet is those technicians didn't check the pipe properly, imagine riding on a roller coaster not knowing the hydrolic pipe fuel burst, while oil started leaking, the roller coaster actually lost its grip, and the next thing u know, not only u cannot stop the roller coaster, but u are send flying off from it, at the height of 200 feet(i m not sure how high but i assume is this much) above ground, ouch? i mean u can never imagine this kinda thing would happen in real life, although is like 1 in a million chance it will happen.
The 2nd brutal part, before this just an advise, next time if u go tan ur body, be ensure there is someone outside taking care of the machines and ensuring u keep the safety measures b4 u go inside that machine, cause u can never imagine u get stuck inside that tan machine, and got burned PLUS electric shocked inside to dead. Scary huh? Its sad also :(
3rd one? Hmm, ok lets see, for those who always go for gym, just be very very careful of the heavy objects around u, most people actually dun take notice of those but as i said, real life accidents happens unexpectedly, just be aware of any objects especially SHARP objects hanging on top of u(I mean if there is only) while u are doing weight lifting.
4th........Bah, i dun think i wanna expose this cause i dunno how it happen, but we sometimes heard cases in newspaper of workers who died while working in construction sites, or any place that u got to do heavy stuff and cutting as well, most professionals know what they are doing but still, anything can happen if the machine go hay wire or something might just fall on u unexpectedly.
5th? U know what is fireworks right? well, in some countries, the fireworks are put in a cart with a grip holding the cart to prevent the cart from tumbling or moving off the ground while the fireworks inside that cart were light up, anyway u can never imagine if the grip got loosen and what would happen? Sad case anyway ^^
6th, and last, not only last but i m also giving a warning to those who take LRT, or MRT in Singapore, just make sure 1 thing, NEVER THROW ANY FOOD ITEM near the train tracks, can u imagine what would happen if there is are small animals such as a rat, took ur food away and go back to its nest, as we know the tracks are run by electric, and there might be wires which was bitten by rats also, what happens at the part when the tracks change course, if that wire go hay wire, and at the same time, a train which come by while the tracks are switching position, obviously it will make the train loose its grip on the track, what happens next? only GOD knows.
Oh well, i m done with this, and yes my last words which i repeat again, real life accidents can happen at anytime, anywhere oh whatever u r doing.
Paintball Freaks!!!
Hmm, anyone heard b4 Paintball? I m sure most of u did, but have u played before? Well, i bet out of 10 people only 3 people will say they did play before. Actually i was suppose to blog about paintball last last week but due to because i can't get the photos yet, plus my PC was strike by lightning, i can't really get those photos and keep inside my PC. Anyway, doesn't matter, i will blog it now :D
Ok, lets see, the date was on a Friday, 24th February, 2 days after my birthday. I was suppose to go for badminton but somehow some of my classmates suddenly mention about Paintball, and there was this nice offer by XTON Paintball, which only on that day is half price of the original, so since is the 1st time, i won't miss the chance. Btw, the original Price is RM60, so the half price is RM30, worth it isn't it? The place is at Bukit Jalil Family Partk.
Oh well, the players were Me, Clement, Xi Wen, Shane, Jia Leong, Kok Weng, Chee Bun and See Tho, 8 of us joined the game.
The paintball actually starts at 2pm, however all 8 of us were there waiting for the instructor, some paintball game expert name Gary who actually come all the way from Subang to Bukit Jalil. Wow, i can't imagine how this place manage. Wanna know why? This place actually got quite a number of some Malay guys taking care but can u imagine that non of them are gonna instruct us in this game and we have to actually sit there and wait for that Gary. Oh well since we were waiting, Jia Leong actually brought his camera, so he start snapping some photos. And this is what everyone was doing while waiting for Gary, sit down and dream :P

Me and Seetho, as u can see i m freaking bored till feel like sleeping, look at Seetho's face, his mind said DAMM i wanna play Paintball!! :P

Jia Leong actually show a post to make himself happy, and yes he was bored too waiting, Xi Wen just use his shirt and rap his head like a bandana, which just to kill time

Look at Clement, his face is obvious showing that he wants to play Paintball!!

Look at those so called "instructors" I dunno what the heck they are doing but they seems to be not in charge of instructing us this paintball
Anyway, after a long wait of 45 minutes, finally Gary arrived, by TAXI!! Oh well, actually we planned to scold him but seeing him came with a Taxi, we forgive him, hes nice anyway, coming here not showing how frustrating he is coming all the way from Subang, especially when he need to call for a Taxi, i have no idea whats the rate but oh well. He instructed us on how to use the guns, and the safety measures to be taken while in the battle field of paintball. Just a short 10 minutes briefting and we are ready!!
We split the team into 2 and play the game call Capture The Flag, Me, Seetho, Kok Weng and Jia Leong 1 team, the other team was Shane, Chee Bun, Xi Wen and Clement. Ok, the game was quite fun, and Jia Leong actually had no time to snap photos so i dun have the photos of showing how the game goes, but we played a game for 4 rounds, and our team won 3 rounds out of it. All of us actually was shot badly, well I dunno how many pebbles we actually used, the pebbles are the bullets for this game, its actually a colour ball which when it shot on ur body, it splat out water colour and its kinda hurt.
After the game, we took some "after game" photos

Look at everyone, notice some colours splat on them? well, thats the effect of being shot, u can't see mine cause its at the back on the foot part there, :D

Some poser we did? Well, its kinda nice and cool :P

RAWR, the paintball team :D

See those orange colour splats? That was after the game, imagine how hard it hit the metal board, cause during the game, there were loud noises can be heard where the teams are shooting at each other

Lastly, my shooting post, looks like? :P
Ok, thats all, its kinda interesting game anyway, although is 1st time, we were all happy about it, for those who are interested, u can go to bukit jalil family park, its somewhere on the top there, near the basketball court. Sayonara :D
I got my "Precious" back!! YEAH!!YEAH!!
Well, the topic is basically saying i got my PC back today, but that is around evening 7 something i got it back.
This morning, which is early in the morning around 7:45am, i woke up as usual, and do my usual morning stuff. And i happen to see that my phone got a message, not really curious but then i check if izzit my friend send a message yesterday midnight, but i was wrong, that message really creep me out man. After i read it i was like OMG!!! Ok, i bet this guy actually send to the wrong number, but wanna know the content of this message? It goes like this, "Lou Poh...I go school liou. I will always love you no matter how you still the one i love...Although you love other guy already...But you still the girl i love...I won't blame you that you ignore to hear my call and reply my messag...Suann still the only girl I love...Muakz" Not to mention this guy had a very bad english, but it is damm obvious that he is desperate for a girl call Su Ann, which he is in love with but that girl like some other guy. I was actually looking at that message and silence for about 3 minutes++ in my room, thinking who could this guy be and how come so coincidence that message was send to my phone. Anyway i show that message to one of my classmates, Hamster a.k.a Vanessa, she was like so surprise, and felt very disgusted, i mean how can u just send a message to a girl who dun actually love you but u r so obsess of her? and the message was as if expected that girl he was suppose to send to will be touched by that message? Hmm, oh well,i bet they are young people in secondary school, which i suppose not so mature into relationship.
Anyway, classes going on as usual today, nothing really special happen^^
Hahaha!! I waited for 3 days just to get my PC back, and is not just getting back, its also upgraded with 3 new hardware which i spend around RM1.6k, ouch!! its kinda considered "cheap" for those 3 hardwares. Lets see, the motherboard is Asus A8N-VM-UAYGZ, graphic card is XFS GeForce GT6600, and processor is Athlon Processor 3.0 Gig.
Oh well, when i brought back the PC, 1st thing in my mind was.........Nah, not the PC, is my dinner, :P. Anyway, after dinner, i started working, 1st of all, reformat the hard disk, and reinstall back my OS, reinstalling back OS took me about an hour, including formating time. Then, the drivers, and softwares which is sort of to say "very" important, i wasted 4 hours to install every single software including updating through internet, its kinda like hardwork but i didn't realise the time fly so fast. When i m done with everything, is already 2am, and here i m writing my blog, oh well, is boring isn't it....